Monopoly Voice Banking
Monopoly Voice Banking is a version of Monopoly that players use their voices for transactions to the Bank. This game does not need paper money or even bank cards to play. The Bank knows how much the players have and what properties they own. This game can be played by 2-4 players.
Game Contents[]

Voice Banking Unit (VBU)
- Voice Banking Unit (VBU for short), a hat
- This is required to play this game.
- There are 2 pieces, a top and a brim. These should be put together when playing.
- 3 AA batteries (bigger than AAA) are required to operate.
- There are demo batteries included, but they cannot be used when playing.
- Mr. Monopoly is the Banker in this game.
- Gameboard
- 4 Tokens: T-Rex, Racecar, Hazel the Cat, Scottie the Dog
- All of these tokens have their hats for the theme of this game.
- 16 Title Deed cards, all properties are streets
- 8 Houses
- Only 1 House can be built per property.
- 12 Hotels
- Unlike Classic Monopoly, the players can skip a House to build a Hotel.
- Only 1 Hotel can be built per property.
- A "Get Out of Jail Free" card
- This is only the physical Chance card that this game has.
- Unlike most versions of Monopoly, this card cannot be sold or traded for money (or properties).
- 2 Dice
- 4 Reference cards for the VBU, one for each player
There are NO paper Monopoly Money, NO player bank cards, NO Community Chest cards, and NO physical Chance cards.
Selling (properties, buildings) and mortgaging properties are NOT available as options for this game.
This game has fewer game pieces than almost all of the editions of Monopoly, so there is less or no mess.
At the start of the game, the VBU is placed in the center of the gameboard. The token buttons have to face on the sides of the gameboard for easy reach (both hand and voice). Each player selects the token. They have to be in the corresponding side that the button matches their token. To play, a player has to press on their corresponding token button to start with $1,500. When just 1 token button is pressed, Mr. Monopoly will say something in 5 seconds but he does not start a game, so another player should join in. After 2 or 3 token buttons are pressed, the VBU has 10 seconds before the game begins. All players place their tokens on the GO space.
All players will roll both dice to determine the order of play. The highest roller starts first, then play goes to the left. (If preferable, the players can decide that the youngest player will go first. Other determinations are possible.)
When it's your turn, roll both dice to move your token. If you land on a space, follow the instructions for that space. After you perform an action, your turn ends. However, if you roll a double, you can take another turn and roll again. If you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to Jail and you CANNOT perform an action on your 3rd double roll.
- Properties (16 properties, 2 per each of the 8 color sets)
- If you land on an unowned, you can either buy it or auction it.
- If you on a property owned by another player, you have to pay rent if they asked you.
- If you own a property, do not say anything.
- Train Ride (4 spaces in exactly the middle of each side)
- If you land on this space, you must take the ride on the railroad. Press your token button and say "train ride". Mr. Monopoly will tell you on where to go.
- Chance Card (there are 5 of these spaces)
- If you land on this space, you must take a Chance. Press your token button and say "Chance card". Mr. Monopoly will pick up a card and says something on a card. You must perform an action on what he says.
- If he says to take a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, you must take that only physical Chance card in this game.
- If you land on this space, you must take a Chance. Press your token button and say "Chance card". Mr. Monopoly will pick up a card and says something on a card. You must perform an action on what he says.
- Trade (there are 3 of these spaces)
- If you land on this space, you have the option of the forced swap.
- If you decide to trade, press your token button and say "trade". The trading transaction will take place.
- If the transaction is complete, $100 will be taken out of your account.
- If you decide not to trade, do nothing else.
- If you land on this space, you have the option of the forced swap.
- Jail / Just Visiting
- If you land on this space, put your token in the "just visiting" part of this space.
- Free Parking
- Just do nothing.
- Go to Jail
- If you land on this space, immediately place your token in Jail on the other side of the board.
- You CANNOT collect $200 for passing GO.
- If you land on this space, immediately place your token in Jail on the other side of the board.
- GO
- If you reach this space, collect $200 by pressing your token button and say "pass GO".
- You can reach by your dice roll or by Chance.
- If you reach this space, collect $200 by pressing your token button and say "pass GO".
There are 16 properties in this game. All of these properties are streets, so there are no railroads and no utilities.
If Unowned[]
- If you land on a property that is unowned, you can either buy it or auction it (you cannot decline both options).
- Buying
- If you want to buy it for a purchase price, press your token button to do the procedure.
- Say "buy".
- If you hear the ping sound, continue.
- Say the name of the unowned property that you just landed on.
- If the procedure is complete, Mr. Monopoly will take the amount of the purchase price from your account and he gives you the property.
- If you want to buy it for a purchase price, press your token button to do the procedure.
- Auctioning
- If you don't want to buy it or you don't have enough money, you must auction the property. Press your token button to do the procedure .
- Say "auction OFF".
- If you hear the ping sound, continue.
- Say the name of the unowned property that you just landed on.
- If the procedure is complete, Mr. Monopoly will begin the auction.
- All players (including you and the players in Jail) can participate to bid.
- Auction begins at $50. The first bidder that presses their token button will bid $50.
- Every time a token button is pressed, the bid increases by $50 each time.
- If no token button is pressed for a long time, Mr. Monopoly will say something in the auction.
- When the auction ends by Mr. Monopoly, he will give the auctioned property to the highest bidder. Before the property is given, the highest bid amount will be subtracted from the highest bidder's account.
- If nobody bids and the auction ends, the auctioned property will still be unowned.
- If you don't want to buy it or you don't have enough money, you must auction the property. Press your token button to do the procedure .
- Buying
If Owned[]
- If you land on the property that is owned by another player, you must pay the rent if the owner ask you to pay.
- If this happens, you must press your token button and perform the procedure .
- Say "pay rent ON".
- If you hear the ping sound, continue.
- Say the name of another player's owned property that you just landed on to pay rent.
- If the procedure is complete, Mr. Monopoly will take the amount of appropriate rent from your account and give to the property owner's account.
- If this happens, you must press your token button and perform the procedure .
Building Houses & Hotels[]
If you own all 2 properties in the same color set, you are able to build a House or a Hotel for that color set.
- You don't have to build a House in order to build a Hotel, so you can build a Hotel from the start.
- Even though a Hotel is twice as expensive as a House, the rent amount of a Hotel that you can receive is very significant.
- You can build a House or a Hotel at anytime, even when it is not your turn or when you are in Jail.
- To build a House or a Hotel, press your token button and follow the procedure .
- Say "build a House" or "build a Hotel".
- If Mr. Monopoly says "On which property?", continue.
- Say the name of your property that you want a House or a Hotel to build on.
- If the procedure is complete, Mr. Monopoly will subtract the price of a House or a Hotel from your account. The price is according to the Title Deed card. Then you place a House or a Hotel in your property that you want to build on.
- Once a House or a Hotel is placed there, you cannot remove it to sell it.
- However, you can upgrade a House to a Hotel for later
- The removal happens when you are in debt and you sell a property that has a building on it.
- If you give up one property to pay off your debt, the building in another property of the same color set will also be removed.
If you land on a "Trade" space, you have the option to trade your property for another player's property.
- If you decide to make a forced trade, press your token button and follow the procedure.
- Say "trade".
- If you hear the ping sound, continue.
- Say the name of YOUR property that you want to give away.
- If Mr. Monopoly says "For which property?", continue.
- Say the name of the property that you want to take from ANOTHER PLAYER.
- If the procedure is complete, Mr. Monopoly will perform the transaction. He will take $100 from your account to begin the forced trade. Then he will swap the 2 properties according to what you said to him. The Bank knows the new owners of these properties.
- Not all properties are eligible to be traded at a certain time.
- You CANNOT take (or give) a property from a color set if that color set has a building on any of its 2 properties.
- You CAN, however, take a property from a complete color set if that color set DOES NOT have a building on any of its 2 properties.
- You CANNOT take (or give) a property from a color set if that color set has a building on any of its 2 properties.
You must go to Jail if:
- You land on the "Go to Jail" space.
- The Chance card (read by Mr. Monopoly) says that you must "Go to Jail".
- You roll doubles three times in a row on your same turn.
When you go to Jail, you CANNOT collect $200.
To get out of Jail, you can do any of these options.
- Pay a $50 fine. To get out and pay on your turn, press your token button and say "get out of Jail".
- If you have the "Get Out of Jail Free" card, you must give it back to the Bank when you get out of Jail. If this happens, the $50 will not be paid.
- If you roll a double after you get out of Jail, you can take another action.
- Attempt to roll a double. You have 3 attempts.
- If you successfully roll a double, you get out of Jail for free. But DO NOT say "get out of Jail". You CANNOT perform another action.
- If you fail to roll a double by each of your first 2 attempts, stay in Jail and do not do anything.
- If you fail to roll a double by your 3rd attempt, you must get out of Jail by pressing your token button and saying "get out of Jail". If you have a card, you will give that up instead of paying the $50 fine.
While you are in Jail, you CAN still do any of these things:
- Collect rent from other players
- Bid in auctions
- Build Houses & Hotels
In Debt and Bankruptcy[]
If you land on somebody else's property but you don't have enough cash in your account to pay the required rent, you are in debt.
- If this happens, here's the procedure .
- Mr. Monopoly takes your remaining amount of cash from your account to the property's owner.
- He will ask about which one of YOUR properties will you give up. Answer this question by saying the name of YOUR property that you have to give up.
- He will give that given-up property to the creditor (the player that receives the rent from you).
- Only 1 property (no matter its value) given up will clear all of your remaining debts.
- If the given-up property has a building, that building will be removed and given back to the Bank.
- If a given-up property is part of a complete color set, a building (if any) in another property of that same color will also be removed and given to the Bank.
If you have only 1 property left and you are in debt, you are declared bankrupt and the game is over.
End of the Game[]
The game will end when only 1 player is bankrupt.
The remaining players' assets (cash in account and properties) will be counted to declare the winner. Mr. Monopoly announces the remaining players. The player with the highest worth at the end of the game is the winner.
Voice Banking Unit (VBU)[]

Monopoly Voice Banking reference card
The electronic VBU is required to play this game. The VBU has the voice-recognition microphone and the speaker inside. Unlike the other electronic banking units in other editions, the VBU does not have any card slots, scanning sensors, numeric buttons, or screen.
VBU has the top and the brim. The top has the electronics inside, so care should be taken. The brim should be twisted to the top to make the complete Top Hat.
The VBU requires 3 AA batteries to get it to work. The game has 3 settings: OFF (indicated a "O"), demo (*), and ON (indicated a "I"). The demo is used to test the voice. Press any of the token button, and say "pass GO" or "Chance card" with your voice. If the VBU responds, your voice is correct as you have intended.

Monopoly Voice Banking reference (other side)
Turn the unit ON for gameplay. Mr. Monopoly will say something to the players. The players will press on their corresponding token button to play. When just 1 token button is pressed, Mr. Monopoly will say something in 5 seconds but he does not start a game, so another player should join in. After 2 or 3 token buttons are pressed, the VBU has 10 seconds before the game begins. When all 4 token buttons are pressed, the game will begin immediately.
When you are ready to take action, press your token button. The dimmer green light turns on at the side that the token button is pressed. You have 5 seconds to respond. If you say incorrectly, the VBU will not respond. When 5 seconds are up, the light is off and you have press your token button again. When the VBU hears a proper command, the light turns brighter and one of these 2 things will happen.
- If it is a ping sound, you will say something else (e.g. a name of a property) to complete a procedure and execute a transaction. Mr. Monopoly will say something in 5 seconds if you take too long to respond. After 15 seconds of no response, the VBU will cancel the procedure and you have to start the procedure again.
- If Mr. Monopoly announces, the transaction is effectively taking place.
Besides the 4 token buttons, there are 2 smaller buttons: the repeat and the X.
The repeat button is used to repeat the last thing that Mr. Monopoly had said or the last sound heard.
The X button is used to undo the last transaction or to cancel the procedure.
- Only 1 transaction can be undo, so the other previous transactions cannot be undo.
- This is useful if the VBU says the wrong thing.
- For example: If the VBU says a property that is different on what you are saying, you can undo that transaction.
- This is also useful in other situations, especially if you are making a mistake.
- A great obvious example is getting out of Jail for free on a successful dice roll of a double. DO NOT say anything about getting out of Jail. If you do say "get out of Jail" to the VBU, you will pay $50 (or you will use a "Get Out of Jail Free" card if you have one). You must undo that transaction to get the $50 back (or a card back).
- This is useful if the VBU says the wrong thing.
The VBU knows how much money that the players have, what properties owned by each player, and who has the "Get Out of Jail Free" card. The VBU does not have to be turn off because it will go to sleep after a few minutes of inactivity to save the battery power.
If 1 player goes bankrupt, the VBU will end the game. When this happens, Mr. Monopoly will make his final announcements.
To reset (or to start a game all over), flip the switch from ON to OFF, then from OFF to ON.