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Monopoly Socialism

Monopoly Socialism

Monopoly: Socialism is an edition that the players can cooperate each other to rebuild the community. This game can be played with 2-4 players.

Shared Goal[]

Socialism is about cooperation. As fellow citizens and community organizers, we pledge to:

  • Move around the board and revitalize our town by contributing to one another’s projects.
    • Unless we can steal projects to get ahead!
  • Maintain our vital Community Fund.
    • Unless depleting it helps us win!
  • Always act in the best interest of the group.
    • Unless it’s more fun to act in our own self-interest!
  • Forget competition and individual glory in the pursuit of a socialist utopia.
    • Unless you’re the first player to contribute all 10 of your chips to projects. Then YOU WIN!

Game Contents[]

  • Monopoly Socialism sets


  • 6 Tokens
    • Pocket Watch
    • Television
    • Typewriter
    • Telephone
    • Cellular Phone
    • Gramophone
  • 16 Project cards
    • Instead of properties, these things are called projects.
  • 40 Contribution Chips
    • 4 colors, 10 per color (each player)
  • 44 Chance cards
  • 2 Dice
    • Standard Die (1-6)
    • Larger Action Die that is blank at first
      • The stickers are included to put on any blank sides of the action die.
        • The six stickers are: 2, 3, 4, x2, +1, +2.
      • The action die should have a sticker on each of the six sides.
  • Label Sheet as Reference
    • It is printed below a cardboard tray.
  • Money Pack of 6 denominations
    • $500 bill is the only denomination that is not in this Monopoly edition.

NOTE: There are NO houses, hotels, railroads, utilities, or mortgages in this game. Also, there are no Community Chest cards (there is, however, the Community Fund in this game).

Starting the Game[]

Each player selects the token and the color of the contribution chips. They place their token on the GO space. They have 10 chips each.

NOTE: The players do not have any money to start this game.

The Project cards can be placed near their corresponding spaces around the board, or they are held by the Bank. Place all the Chance cards facedown on the draw pile. Put $1848 on the Community Fund at the opposite corner from the Chance card draw pile.

  • The number of 1848 is the year that The Communist Manifesto was published.
    • Not some random number.
  • The money can be varied in quantity per denomination.
Monopoly Socialism dice

Blank Action Dice with Stickers

If this is your first time playing this game, apply one sticker to each side of the blank Action Die in any arrangement.

Empty the contents from the cardboard tray to the game box. This cardboard tray has the label sheet so that the players can refer to something while playing the game.

The oldest player goes first. Then play passes to the left.

  • Any other arrangements on who’s going first and the turn order can be agreeable by all players.


When it is your turn, you can do one or both or none of these things before you roll:

  • Contribute to one of your projects.
  • Use the Chance card that you have in possession.

After doing these things or not doing any of these things, roll both the standard die and the action die.

Move your token and do what the action says on the space that you have landed on. If you roll a +1 or +2 on the action die, pick up the certain number of Chance cards in your same turn.

After performing the move and the action die, your turn ends and the player on your left has the next turn.

  • If you roll a double, you can take another turn. Repeat the aforementioned procedure.
    • If you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to Jail.

Action Die[]

The action die is the larger die. It has six sides: 2, 3, 4, x2, +1, and +2.

  • If you roll the pips (a 2 or a 3 or a 4), add the number of spaces to the standard die.
    • If you roll a double, you can take another turn.
  • If you roll the x2, double the number of spaces on the standard die.
    • This is considered rolling a double, so you can take another turn.
  • If you roll a +1 or +2, you have to pick up a certain number of Chance cards.
    • You can perform these actions in any order:
      • You can move your token first according to the standard die before you pick up the Chance cards.
      • You can pick up the Chance cards first according to the action die before you move.
    • You must perform both of these actions in your turn.

NOTE: You CANNOT use the action die when you are attempting to get out of Jail.



There are 16 project spaces on the board. Each of the 8 color groups has 2 projects.

If you land on a project that is currently unmanaged, you can either buy or auction it. You can spend your own money and/or use the Community Fund.

If you land on a project that is managed, you can contribute your chip in that project for only $10.

If you land on a fully-developed project, both the manager and the Community Fund will receive a payout from the Bank.


Pick up 1 Chance card from the top of the deck.

Community Shuttle[]

If you want to take a community shuttle, the Community Fund will pay $50.

  • You CANNOT spend your own money to take the shuttle.

You can go to any project between the Community Shuttle space that you had landed and the next Community Shuttle space.

  • You CANNOT stop on a Chance space or a corner space.

You can land on the next Community Shuttle space and have the option of taking another shuttle. The Community Fund has to pay another $50 to take another ride.

  • You can repeat this until you land on a project that you want to go.

When you pass GO while taking a shuttle, you and the other players CANNOT collect $50 each.

In Jail / Just Visiting[]

If you land on this corner space, put your token on the “Just Visiting” portion.

Free Parking[]

Nothing happens.

Go to Jail[]

If you land on this corner space, move your token to the “In Jail” portion. Your turn ends.

  • Your turn ends regardless of whether you roll a double.
  • Do NOT pass GO while you are going to Jail.


If you reach GO, you and all of the other players will each collect $50 from the Bank.

Then, each player must pay (donate) at least $5 to the Community Fund.

  • The players can use their wages that they have just received or their own funds to give money.


Monopoly Socialism projects

Project cards

Instead of owning properties, players are managing the projects in this game.

  • If you land on a project managed by someone else, you DO NOT have to pay rent.

In this game, there are 16 projects (instead of 22). Each of the 8 usual color groups has 2 projects.

Unmanaged Projects[]

When you land on a project that is currently unmanaged, you can either buy it or auction it. (You cannot decline both options.)


If you want to manage that project, you can pay just the purchase price to the Bank.

You must pay with your own money fund first. If you are out of money, the remainder comes from the Community Fund.


If you do not want to manage that project, you must auction it.

  • You CANNOT bid on a project that you are auctioning.
  • Bidding starts at $5, and any bidder can increase the bid in any higher amounts in increments of $5.
  • The bidders can bid over their current amounts of their own money funds.
  • The auction ends when no bidder is willing to bid. The highest bidder must pay to the Bank the highest bid.

The highest bidder must pay with their own money fund first. If they are running out of money, the remainder comes from the Community Fund.

If no one wants to bid on a project, it remains unmanaged and that Project card stays where it is (on the board or in the Bank).


If the project is managed, it can be developed. If you want to develop, you can add 1 contribution chip to any open slot on 1 of your projects per turn.

  • EXCEPTION: If you self-develop the project and you land on the same project, it is possible for you to add 2 contribution chips in that same project in your same turn.

Once the contribution chip is in place, it cannot be removed (and to sell).

  • EXCEPTION: Only some Chance cards are allowed for a player to remove anyone else’s chip.

At the beginning of your turn (before you roll the dice), you may self-develop only 1 of your projects that you are managing. To self-develop, pay the self-development fee to the Bank to add only 1 contribution chip to your selected project.

You must pay with your own money fund first. If you are out of money, the remainder comes from the Community Fund.

Landing on a Project[]

If you land on a project (regardless of who is managing it), you can contribute only 1 of your contribution chips for only $10.

  • If you land on a project that is managed by another player, pay to that player $10.
  • If you land on a project that is managed by you, pay to the Bank $10.
  • In either case, you must pay with your own money fund first; if you are out of money, the remainder comes from the Community Fund.

NOTE: In this game, there is NO such thing as rent.

Fully-Developed Project and Payouts[]

A project is fully developed when all of the slots have been filled in the Project card. Therefore, no more contribution chips can be put in. If a project is only fully-developed, it can produce payouts.


If any player lands on a fully-developed project, the Bank must pay both the manager of that project and the Community Fund the same payout amount. (This is double benefits to both the project manager and the Community Fund.)

  • If the manager has only 1 project in a color set, the payout is the base amount.
  • If the manager has all 2 projects in one color set, the payout is twice the base amount.
Monopoly Socialism chance

Chance cards - The left 3 cards are facedown. The top right is the "keep it until you use it" card. The middle right is the "immediate use" card. The bottom right is the "Get Out of Jail Free" card.


There are just the Chance cards in this game; there are no Community Chest cards.

You will pick up a Chance card when:

  • You land on a Chance space.
  • You roll a +1 on the action die.
    • You can pick up a card first before you roll, or vice versa.
  • You roll a +2 on the action die.
    • Same as +1, except that you must pick up 2 cards.

After you have used a card, return that used card to the bottom of the Chance draw deck.

In this edition, there are 44 Chance cards in total. The Chance cards are broken down into 3 categories of uses.

“Keep it until you use it” card[]

When you pick up this card, you can “keep it until you use it”. You can keep only 1 Chance card at a time. You must place this card facedown. In a later time, you can use it.

If you pick up a card while you already have another one, you must make any one of these choices.

  • You can play the card that you have picked up while keeping another one currently in your hand.
  • You can keep the card that you have picked up while playing the other card that you had in your hand.
  • You can return the card that you have picked up while keeping another one currently in your hand.

You can play only 1 “keep it until you use it” Chance card per turn.

  • You can play a Chance card before you roll the dice or when you must make a choice.

When you roll a +2 on the action die, follow these rules in order.

  1. You may play only 1 card or not to play a card in your single turn.
  2. For the others, you may keep only 1 card or not to keep a card.
  3. For the rest, you must return those cards to the bottom of the deck.

There are 32 Chance cards that are “keep it until you use it” cards. These cards may:

  • Enable you to place 1 contribution chip in any project for free.
  • Remove your opponent’s 1 contribution chip from any project.
  • Forced swap one project for another between you and your chosen player.

“Immediate use” card[]

When you pick up a card that says “PLAY THIS CARD IMMEDIATELY” (in red text), you must use it.

  • When you roll a +2 in the action die and you pick up 2 “immediate use” cards at the same time, you must use both of them in the same turn.

You cannot keep the “immediate use” cards at all, but you must use them.

There are 11 Chance cards that are “immediate use” cards. All but 1 of these cards will take away some money from the Community Fund.

  • The only other one card that does not take away money from the Community Fund is no other than “GO TO JAIL”.

For the other cards that do not say ““PLAY THIS CARD IMMEDIATELY” (in red text), those cards are “keep it until you use it” cards.

“Get Out of Jail Free” card[]

This Chance card works like the “keep it until you use it” cards, but with notable differences.

  • You can keep the “Get Out of Jail Free” card while you can also keep only 1 of the other “keep it until you use it” card at the same time.
  • The “Get Out of Jail Free” card should be placed faceup.
  • Unlike all the other “keep it until you use it” card, the “Get Out of Jail Free” card can be traded or sold to another player.

You can use the “Get Out of Jail Free” card only when you want to get out of Jail earlier. Once used, return this card to the bottom of the Chance draw deck.


You must go to Jail if you have done any of these things:

  • You land on the “Go to Jail” space.
  • You roll 3 doubles in a row.
    • The x2 on the action die counts as rolling a double.
  • You pick up a Chance card saying that you must “Go to Jail”.

When any player goes to Jail, the Bank will take away $50 from the Community Fund.

  • This penalty is separate from the “Get Out of Jail” fee.

To get out of Jail, you have 3 options.

(a) Pay $50 from your own money funds to the Bank. Then, roll with both dice and move as usual.

(b) If you have the “Get Out of Jail Free” card, you can use it. After you use it, put this card to the bottom of the Chance draw deck.

  • You can buy this card from another player in a negotiated deal.

(c) With only the standard die (no action die), roll a 6. If successful, you are getting out for free. Then, roll both dice and move as normal. You have 3 turns to roll a 6. If you fail to roll a 6 by your 3rd turn in Jail, pay $50 from your own funds to the Bank and use that roll (do not re-roll with both dice) to move.

  • If you roll a double with both dice after you get out of Jail, you can take another turn.
  • If you do not have enough money in your own funds to cover the full $50 fine, everyone else pays $50 from their own funds between all players to the Bank.
    • Everyone else can decide on how to split the remaining amount.
    • If all players do not have enough money to pay the whole $50, then the Community Fund can be used.
  • You can change your mind in your 2nd or 3rd turn while still in Jail.
    • For example, you can go from (c) to (a) in your 2nd or 3rd turn.

Deals & Trades[]

You can buy, sell, or swap projects with other players at any time (in your turn or anybody else’s). Those projects can be traded for the other projects, any amounts of cash, and/or the “Get Out of Jail Free” Chance card.

The contribution chips must stay on where they are on the Project cards being dealt with.

  • If they are falling off from a card, simply put these chips back on that card.
    • The sorting of these chips does not matter.

Community Fund[]

Monopoly Socialism community fund

The Community Fund is in the middle of the gameboard. It should be filled with money (bottom picture) to keep the game going. When it empties out (top picture), it's GAME OVER.

In this game, the Community Fund is used oftentimes.

At the start of the game, the Community Fund has $1,848. This number is not random; it is the year that The Communist Manifesto was published.

  • The $1,848 can be in any number of bills in each of the six denominations.
    • GOOD EXAMPLE: It can be 10 $100 bills, 10 $50 bills, 10 $20 bills, 10 $10 bills, 9 $5 bills, and 3 $1 bills. These add up to exactly $1,848.
    • BAD EXAMPLE: It can also be 1,848 $1 bills

The game will end when the Community Fund is empty.


  • A Chance card saying that the Community Fund pays the money to the Bank.
    • The maximum amount that the Community Fund can lose in a Chance card is $100.
  • When a player does not have enough money to get a project or to contribute, the Community Fund pays the remainder.
    • A player must pay first. Only when they run out of money, the Community Fund will take care the rest.
  • When a player uses a Community Shuttle, the Community Fund pays all of the $50 fee to the Bank
    • Even though a passenger has the money, they CANNOT pay for riding in a Community Shuttle.
  • The Bank takes $50 away from the Community Fund every time a player goes to Jail.
  • Only if all of the players, paying together, do not have enough money to cover the $50 “Get Out of Jail” fee, the Community Fund can be used as the “last resort” to pay the rest of this fee.

NOTE: The players CANNOT take the money from the Community Fund whatsoever for personal purposes or in a deal (trade).


  • When a player reaches GO, all players will each receive $50. When this happens, each player is required to donate at least $5 to the Community Fund.
    • The players can donate in any amounts from their recent wages and/or from their own money funds.
  • When any player lands on a fully-developed project, the Bank pays both the Community Fund and the manager of that project in a payout.

NOTE: The players CANNOT voluntarily give money to the Community Fund at any time in the game, EXCEPT only when a player reaches GO and the wages paid out.

Ending the Game[]

The game will end when any one of these 2 events happen:

  • The Community Fund runs out of money.
    • No player is winning, and the community is ruined.
  • A player contributes all 10 of their contribution chips to the projects.
    • While the community and all of its members win, that player is the top contributor and the “real” winner.

NOTE: A player’s bankruptcy will NOT retire that player from this game.

  • It happens very often when players started with no cash and frequently run out of money.

Complaints and Market[]

Monopoly: Socialism was an unintended limited edition version of Monopoly. Due to complaints, it was taken off the market and now costs around $100 for a CIB copy.
