Monopoly Wiki
Reading Railroad


$ 25.
     If 2 R.R.'s are owned $ 50.
     If 3 R.R's are owned                  $ 100.
     If 4 R.R's are owned                  $ 200.

     Mortgage Value


Reading Railroad is the first Railroad on a standard Monopoly Board. It is situated between Income Tax and Oriental Avenue. It is one of four Railroads, along with Pennsylvania Railroad, B. & O. Railroad, and Short Line. Contrary to popular belief, it is actually pronounced REDD-ing Railroad (after the city in Pennsylvania where it was based) instead of REED-ing Railroad. Its British counterpart is King's Cross Station.


Like the other three railroads, Reading Railroad's Rent is based on the number of Railroads you own. The rent if...

  • 1 Railroad Owned: $25
  • 2 Railroads Owned: $50
  • 3 Railroads Owned: $100
  • 4 Railroads Owned: $200.

Cost: $200


Reading Railroad is potent when paired with at least 2 other Railroads. With a lowest possible rent of $25, it is a weak property by itself and should not be used as a standalone method of bankrupting players. However, when paired with the other 3 Railroads, rent can increase to a much better $200. If the player is sent to a Railroad by a Chance card, rent is increased to a hefty $400. If no other Railroads can be obtained, Reading Railroad can be used for trading with players. Reading Railroad is unique from the other 3 Railroads because it has its own Chance card, which points out that, should a player pass Go, they collect $200 along the way as usual.

