Monopoly Wiki

Monopoly for Millennials

Not to be confused with the 2000 Millennium Edition

Monopoly For Millennials is a modernized version of Monopoly, where you control an average millennial instead of Mr. Monopoly. Instead of expensive real estate, the "properties" are fun Destinations to visit and see. The players travel around the board racking up Experiences by discovering and visiting cool places to eat, shop, and relax. The player with the most Experience at the end of the game will win. This game can be played with 2-4 players.

Game Contents[]

Monopoly for Millennials - game set


  • Gameboard
  • 6 Golden Tokens
    • Camera
    • Hashtag (Pound Sign)
    • Bicycle
    • Sunglasses
    • Laughing Emoji
    • Mr. Monopoly Emoji
  • 16 Destination cards
  • 16 Chance cards
  • 16 Community Chest cards
  • 64 Experience chips
    • A chip is facedown when the camera icon is showing.
  • Money Pack (3 denominations)
    • $5 bills
    • $20 bills (common in this game when passing GO)
    • $100 bills (only a few)
  • 2 Dice

There are NO houses or hotels to build in this game. Also, there are no railroads or utilities.

Starting the Game[]

Monopoly for Millennials - setup


Place the game board on the table. Put all of the Destination cards (Title Deeds) near the corresponding Destinations on the board. Shuffle the Chance and Community Chest cards, and then place them face down on their corresponding draw decks.

Place all of the Experience chips face down on the center of the board. If a camera icon on the chip is showing, that means that chip is facedown.

  • If this is your first time playing, the Experience chips are attached on the cardboard. Carefully detach them from the cardboard.

Each player selects a token to play, and places it on the GO space. Each player starts with $100. The rest of the money will stay with the Bank on a tray. Choose someone to be the banker. A banker can play also, but they have to keep their own personal money separate from the Bank.

According to this edition's game guide, a player with the highest student debt will go first. The play moves to the left.

  • If impractical, the players can agree on who is going first and the play order.
    • In most Monopoly editions, the dice will determine who is going first. The highest roller will go first.


When it is your turn, roll both dice. Move according to the total number rolled. Follow the rules on a board space that you have landed. After performing an action on a board space, pass the dice to your left (unless you roll a double).

  • If you roll a double on the dice, you can take another turn.
    • If you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to Jail. Do not move or do anything else on your third turn.


In this Monopoly edition, there are fewer board spaces with 32 than in traditional Monopoly (with 40).


Instead of Streets, there are Destinations. The Destinations are the places ("properties") to discover.

In each of the 8 traditional color sets, it has 2 Destinations.

If there is a Title Deed card on the board, a Destination is undiscovered. You can discover by paying the purchase price.

If there is no Title Deed card on the board, a Destination is already discovered.

Chance and Community Chest[]

You pick up a card of a corresponding type. After you use a card, put it on the bottom of a corresponding draw deck.

These card spaces are wedged in-between the Destinations of a same color set. A Chance space is first in each board row.

Note that (different from traditional Monopoly):

  • Besides the “Get Out of Jail Free” cards, some Chance and Community Chest cards say “keep this card until you’re ready to use it”.
  • Some Chance cards have you to roll the dice (yourself or multiple players) to determine that you get either rewarded or punished.

Bike Share[]

The Bike Share spaces are exactly in the middle of each board row (similar to the railroads in traditional Monopoly).

If you land on this space, you have a choice to travel. If you choose to travel, pay $10 to land on any space between a Bike Share that you just left and the next Bike Share. You can travel farther by landing on the next Bike Share and pay an additional $10. You can travel up to 4 times in your single turn.

  • If you pass GO while traveling on Bike Share, you CANNOT collect $20.
  • If you do not want to travel (or do not have enough money to travel), stay and do nothing.
  • If you roll a double (1 or 2 times), you can take another turn.

Just Visiting / Jail[]

When you land on this corner space, place your token in the "Just Visiting" section. You DO NOT go to Jail that way. Nothing happens to you (for example, you cannot get the Experience chip).

Free Parking[]

You do not do anything when you land on this corner space (for example, you cannot get the Experience chip).

Go to Jail[]

When you land on this corner space, immediate move your token to "Jail" on the other side of the board. You do not collect $20 for passing GO.

  • Even though you roll a double, you CANNOT get another turn if you go to Jail.


When you reach this corner space, you collect $20.

  • This money received is 10% of Monopoly editions with regular rules.

However, you CANNOT take the Experience chip.

When you reach GO by a Bike Share, you CANNOT collect $20.

Monopoly for Millennials - Destinations

Destination Title Deed cards - the left card is the front while the right card is the back


Instead of real estate properties (streets), there are 16 Destinations to discover and visit. If you discover a Destination, you can collect a fee (a rent) from the visitors. Also, you can get Experience from being a discoverer.

NOTE: The game will end when all 16 Destinations have been discovered.

Undiscovered (“Unowned”)[]

If there is a Title Deed card in a Destination, that Destination is not discovered yet. When you land on an undiscovered Destination, you have the option to discover it (buy it) by paying the purchase price.

If you do not want to buy that Destination, that’s fine and its Title Deed card will stay there (remain to be discovered). There are no auctions in this game.

Discovered (“Owned”)[]

When you land on a Destination but its Title Deed card is not there, that Destination is already discovered.

When you land on a Destination that is discovered by someone else, you have to pay them a visiting fee. The visiting fee is the same amount as the purchase price.

  • If you have enough money to cover a visiting fee, you and the discoverer will each receive 1 Experience chip.
    • NOTE: There is an EXCEPTION when a discoverer is in Jail.
  • If you don’t have enough money, just keep the money. However, neither you nor the discoverer will get Experience because a visit does not take place.

When you land on a Destination that you have discovered by yourself, nothing happens. You cannot self-visit your own Destination and you CANNOT get Experience.

Title Deeds[]

When you discover a Destination by paying its purchase price in full, you will take the Title Deed from the board. As a holder of a Title Deed, you are able to collect a visiting fee when somebody else stops at your Destination and they have enough money to pay the visit.

A Title Deed for this edition has less amount of info than in traditional Monopoly. There are NO mortgages, so you cannot raise money (borrowing) from the Bank. There are NO houses or hotels to build. The “rent” is only the cost to visit, which is the same amount as the purchase price.

If you are holding a Title Deed when the game ends, you will receive additional Experience (without a chip). If you are holding a color set, you will receive even additional Experience. There are 2 Title Deeds per color set, so you should collect both of them.

  • EXAMPLE: If you hold just 1 Title Deed in an orange color set, you will receive 2 Experience points at the end of the game. If you hold 2 Title Deeds in an orange color set, you will receive 8 Experience points (4 from each Title Deed) at the end.
    • Having a color set will have tremendous increase on Experience.

You can make a deal with another player to buy, sell, or trade Title Deeds.

NOTE: Be aware of the rewards of holding a Title Deed (or a color set), especially at the end of the game.


Going to Jail[]

You go directly to Jail if any of these 3 things happen (same as in traditional Monopoly):

  • You land on the “Go to Jail” corner space
  • You pick up a Chance or Community Chest card that says “GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL”
  • You roll doubles three times in a row

When you go directly to Jail, you CANNOT collect $20.

Things that You Can Do[]

Even while in Jail, you can still do any of these things:

  • Collecting visiting fees when somebody lands on your Destination (and they have enough money)
    • NOTE: However, you CANNOT get an Experience chip because you are in Jail.
      • The visitor that does pay for the visiting fee can still get 1 Experience chip.
  • Making deals & trades with other players

Getting Out of Jail[]

There are 3 ways to get out of Jail (same as in traditional Monopoly):

  • (a) Pay $15 at the start of your turn. Then, roll and move as usual.
  • (b) Use the “Get Out of Jail Free” card
  • (c) Roll a double on your turn. You can try to roll a double for up to 3 turns while in Jail.
    • If successful, you get out of Jail for free but you use that roll to move; afterwards, your turn ends.
    • If you do not roll a double on your third turn, pay $15 (or use a “Get Out of Jail Free” card) to get out and use that third roll to move.
    • You can change your mind on your second or third turn.
      • For example, you can pay $15 on your second turn in Jail instead of attempting for a double.

When you get out of Jail in any way, you will get 1 Experience chip.

Deals & Trades[]

You can buy, sell, or swap Destinations with other players at any time (in any player’s turn, not only yours). Destinations can be traded for other Destinations or cash. “Get Out of Jail Free” cards can also be traded for cash (or even Destinations). The amount of money is decided and agreed by the players making a deal.

You CANNOT buy, sell, trade, or swap Experience chips with the other players.

  • Also, you CANNOT buy, sell, trade, or swap the other “keep this card until you’re ready to use it” Chance or Community Chest cards with the other players.
    • Only the “Get Out of Jail Free” cards can be bought, sold, traded, or swapped.

Remember, there are NO AUCTIONS in this game.

Not Enough Money[]

Visiting a Discovered Destination[]

If you do not have enough money to cover a whole visiting fee, you just keep the money that you have. You are not required to pay. You do not need to give up your Destination(s) to a discoverer. You do not need to sell anything.

Chance or Community Chest[]

If a card says that you have to pay a fee, you MUST (required) to pay this fee.

If you do not have enough money to cover a whole fee, you must do something. If you have Destinations, you must sell them either to the Bank or to the other players.

  • When selling a Destination to the Bank, you receive the full printed price (same as the purchase price). That Destination will be undiscovered so that any player can discover it.
  • When selling a Destination to another player, the players talk to each other for an agreed-upon price. When agreed, you give up that Destination to that player and that player gives you the money.

If you still do not have enough money and you have no Destinations left, pay the money that you have.

If you have no money and no Destinations, just do nothing.

NOTE: A bankruptcy will not disqualify a player from the game, so they can still keep on playing.


Experience is everything! You can gain Experience by experiencing certain events in this game.

Monopoly for Millennials - Experience Chips

Experience Chips - the chip on the left is facedown; the chips on the right have different values.

Experience Chips[]

The Experience chips are the game pieces with various values. These chips have the camera icons when they are face down. These chips are placed face down in the middle of the board for all the players to reach these chips easily. There are 64 Experience chips in total.

When you have an experience for an event, you will collect the Experience chip(s). A chip is collected when:

  • A visit has taken place. When a visitor successfully pays the visiting fee, both the visitor and the discoverer of a Destination will each get 1 Experience chip.
    • However, if a discoverer is in Jail, only the visitor will get 1 Experience chip.
  • A Chance or a Community Chest card has been picked up, and it says to collect an Experience chip.
    • Some cards say that you can get 2 Experience chips (instead of 1).
  • You get out of Jail.

While you take a chip from the board, keep it facedown. You can take a peek at a chip, but you cannot tell anyone about the value of a chip. Once you get a chip, you CANNOT give it away; it’s yours for the rest of the game.

  • There is NO WAY in this game that Experience chips can be sold, given away, or thrown away.

After the game officially ends, you can flip your Experience chips to show the values to the other players and to calculate your Experience for your score.

Not all the Experience chips will give you positive Experience. Here are the possible values for the chips:

  • Positive (44 of the total 64 chips)
    • +1 (24 chips)
    • +2 (12 chips)
    • +3 (6 chips)
    • +5 (2 chips)
  • Negative (20 chips)
    • -1 (12 chips)
    • -2 (6 chips)
    • -3 (2 chips)

Destination Title Deed Cards[]

At the end of the game, you will gain additional Experience if you have possession of the Title Deed cards.

  • Having a complete color set will give you even more additional Experience.

After the game officially ends, you will calculate the Experience from all the Title Deed cards that you own (considering the color sets) for your score.

End of the Game[]

The game will end if any one of these 2 events has happened:

  • All 16 Destinations have been discovered.
  • All 64 Experience chips have been collected.

Once the game ends, all players will calculate the Experience points on Title Deed cards and Experience chips.

Whoever has the most Experience points at the end of the game is the winner.

  • If multiple players have tied for the most Experience points, any one of those players with the most money on hand at the end of the game will win.

Criticism and Market[]

This version of Monopoly has been heavily criticized by several millennials and the r/fellowkids subreddit.
