Monopoly Wiki
Monopoly Expansion (all 3 expansions)

All 3 of the Monopoly Expansion packs.The left is the "Free Parking Jackpot", the middle is the "Go to Jail", and the right is the "Buy Everything".

Monopoly Expansion is a game changer pack that can be set up with the classic Monopoly game to make a game more competitive, more fun, and more interesting to play. With an expansion, a game can be completed in half the time. In a Monopoly Expansion pack, there are additional Title Deed cards, dice, and other equipment. There are three different Monopoly Expansion packs:

  • Buy Everything
  • Free Parking Jackpot
  • Go to Jail

Monopoly Buy Everything Expansion[]

Mr. Monopoly has opened the Sale Vault, and there’s more for sale than ever before! The Monopoly Buy Everything Expansion brings a fresh twist to the Monopoly game and takes half the time to play. Just add this expansion to the classic Monopoly gameboard, and everything is for sale. Players can buy every space, and they can roll the Buy die to purchase more ways to win and abilities from the rotating Sale Vault. When all properties are owned, the richest player wins—or a player can win instantly by completing an instant-win Sale card!


  • Rotating Sale Vault with Base
    • The Sale Vault holds 3 Sale Cards.
    • The Base holds the deck of Sale Cards
  • 1 Buy Die with Customizable Stickers
    • A sticker has
      • 3 of the green Sale Card to buy
      • 2 of the yellow Sale Card to discard
      • 1 red X to force another player to discard their Sale Card
  • 20 Sale Cards
  • 8 Title Deeds
    • These Title Deeds are the new boardspace properties to own.
  • 4 Reminder Cards
    • This expansion has 2-4 players to play.

Setting Up[]

First Time[]

When this is your 1st time using this expansion, put all 6 stickers on all the blanks of the Buy Die.

  • Put all 3 green Sale Card stickers, all 2 yellow Sale Discard stickers, and a red X sticker on the Buy Die.

Before Playing a Game[]

With this expansion, there are the differences in the setup.

  1. Players will start with the different amount of cash.
    • Each will have $2,150 to start.
      • Consisting of 5 $1 bills, 1 $5 bills, 3 $10 bills, 3 $20 bills, 3 $50 bills, 4 $100 bills, and 3 $500 bills.
  2. Put the golden Sale Vault stand (the "wheel") onto the gray Sale Vault base.
  3. Separate the Sale cards from the expansion Title Deeds.
    • The Sale cards have a green background.
    • The expansion Title Deeds have a red background. The strip is rainbow in color.
  4. Put the expansion Title Deeds with the original Title Deeds from the classic Monopoly.
  5. Put the 3 Sale cards onto the "wheel".
    • Put the Sale card info face out so that the players can see on what these cards say.
  6. Place the rest of the Sale cards facedown on their card deck (the gray area of the Sale Vault base).
  7. Give one reminder card to each player playing.
    • They have to know the modified rules of this Monopoly expansion.

Monopoly Free Parking Jackpot Expansion[]

Press your luck and pile up the cash! The Monopoly Free Parking Jackpot Expansion brings a fresh twist to the Monopoly game and takes half the time to play. Just attach this expansion to the classic Monopoly board, and turn the Free Parking space into a Jackpot. Spin the spinner for a chance to win BIG money! Upgrade to the Deal Mobile token and draw Bonus cards to take free properties and more. The game ends when all properties are owned or when one player has gone broke. The richest player wins!


  • 1 Golden "Deal Mobile" Token
  • 1 "Free Parking" Spinner with Cardboard Base
    • The Cardboard Base is attached to the "Free Parking" corner space on a classic Monopoly gameboard.
    • The Cardboard Base also has the "Free Parking" bonus card deck.
    • Arrow
      • Center to attach to the Arrow and to allow this Arrow to spin
  • 32 "Free Parking" Bonus Cards
  • 6 "Spin Space" Clips
    • There are 6 cardboard "Spin Space" board spaces to put into these clips.
      • These clips are attachable to certain board spaces on a classic Monopoly gameboard.
  • 20 "Spin" Chips
    • These chips are in cardboards.
  • 8 Reminder Cards
    • This expansion has 2-8 players to play.

Setting Up[]

First Time[]

When this is your 1st time using this expansion, prepare these things:

  1. Put the base underneath the spinner.
  2. Stick the base's stem to the top of the spinner.
  3. Put the arrow by its own hole on the stem.
  4. Spin the arrow to test out to make sure it is working as intended.
  • Remove all the "Spin Space" chips (all 20) from the cardboard.
  1. Remove all the "Spin Space" board spaces (all 6) from the cardboard.
  2. Insert these "Spin Space" board spaces in the clips.

Before Playing a Game[]

When using this Monopoly expansion, DO NOT use Chance and Community Chest at all.

  • Their board spaces will be replaced by the "Spin" expansion board spaces.

STEPS of setting up:

  1. Place the Free Parking expansion board space onto the gameboard.
    • Cover the ordinary Free Parking corner space with the blue Free Parking expansion corner space.
  2. Shuffle the "Free Parking" Bonus cards. Give 2 of them to each player. Leave the rest of these cards facedown on their card deck (located near the Free Parking and the spinner).
  3. Put the golden "Deal Mobile" expansion token on Free Parking.
  4. Place the "Spin" expansion board spaces that are covering all the Chance and the Community Chest board spaces throughout the gameboard.
  5. Each player will have 2 "Spin" chips to start.

Monopoly Go to Jail Expansion[]

Turns out, crime does pay! The Monopoly Go to Jail Expansion brings a fresh twist to the Monopoly game and takes half the time to play. Just add the expansion’s attachment to the classic Monopoly board to turn the Jail and Go to Jail spaces into desired locations. While there, players can collect Corruption or Super Corruption cards that let them get away with mischief—and score advantages over other players! The game ends when all properties are owned or when one player has gone broke. The richest player wins!


  • 1 (Regular) Jail gameboard attachment
    • It is attached to and replacing the regular "Jail / Just Visiting" corner space.
    • This attachment has the "Corruption" card deck.
  • 1 "Super Jail" gameboard attachment
    • It is attached to and replacing the "Go to Jail" corner space.
    • This attachment has the "Super Corruption" card deck.
  • 2 "Go to Jail" boardspace attachments
    • These cardboard board spaces are attached to their own clips.
  • 32 orange "Corruption" cards
  • 12 blue "Super Corruption" cards
  • 2 black blank customizable dice
    • These dice have their own respective stickers.
    • One is the Heist die (Die #1)
      • The Heist die has 4 blue sides and 2 orange sides.
    • Another is the Escape die (Die #2)
      • The Escape die has 3 red sides and 3 orange sides.
  • 6 Reminder Cards
    • This expansion has 2-6 players to play.

Setting Up[]

First Time[]

Put all the stickers on the 2 blank black dice.

  • For the Heist die (Die #1), put the blue money stickers (4 of them) and the "Go to Jail" stickers (2) in this die. All 6 sides have to have a sticker.
  • For the Escape die (Die #2), put the red stickers (3) and the "Go to Jail" stickers (3) in this die. All 6 sides have to have a sticker.

Remove all 2 the "Go to Jail" spaces from the cardboard.

  • Insert these "Go to Jail" board spaces in the clips.



  • When using the Free Parking Jackpot Expansion, Chance spaces and Community Chest spaces will be replaced with Spin spaces.
  • When using the Go to Jail Expansion, Income Tax space and Luxury Tax space will be replaced with Go to Jail spaces.