Monopoly Wiki

Basic Questions[]

Hi there!

I love this game and wanted to ask you some particulars. First thing is that i play the standard version of this game that is the UK version.

Firstly, can we build a hotel directly if the houses are not available? like if we have enough money and we can buy the hotel directly?

Secondly, What is meant by the luck and cash cards: "sell your stock and bring you profit 50" as well as "collect interest as per 7% 25" ?

Thirdly, please elaborate bankruptcy? If a player owes someone rent and he does not have enough money then can he mortgage his property at that moment and give the creditor the rent?

Please reply! Thanks in advance!

--Replies below in comments. --Sings-With-Spirits (talk) 00:59, June 26, 2014 (UTC)


notes from a new user:

Kindly explain all "chance cards" and "community chest" cards once in for all, it will appear in search engine for a long time. by the word "explain" I mean explain. thanks.
