Monopoly: The Mega Edition (or Monopoly Mega) is an upgraded variant of Monopoly released by Winning Moves Games on May 22, 2006. The game was made by Winning Moves and licensed by Hasbro. Several new features are included. Players can get through the game faster, gain more money than before, and, of course, bankrupt opponents faster than before. The new features are detailed below. (The UK version was adapted on October 1, 2007.)
Game Contents[]
- Gameboard (30% bigger than the regular board)
- A bag of tokens
- Banker's Tray (just like in The 1980's Edition but smaller)
- 56 Buildings
- 32 Houses
- 12 Hotels (the color is a bit darker)
- 8 Skyscrapers
- 4 Train Depots
- Skyscrapers and Depots has the same color
- 37 Title Deeds Cards
- 30 Properties (8 Additional Streets)
- 4 Railroads
- 3 Utilities (With Gas Station)
- 46 Drawing Cards
- 16 Chance Cards
- 16 Community Chest Cards
- 16 Bus Ticket Cards
- 3 Dice (2 White Dice and a Speed Die)
- Money Pack of 8 denominations
- With the $/£1,000 bills
- Illustrated Rule
Monopoly Mega (US version)
Monopoly: The Mega Edition comes with 10 tokens:
- Bag of Money
- Horse & Rider
- Howitzer (Cannon)
- Dog (Scottie)
- Thimble
- Top Hat
- Shoe/Boot
- Battleship
- Race Car
- Wheelbarrow
Previous releases also included the Iron.
Monopoly Mega (UK version)
Monopoly Mega (UK version) comes with 8 tokens:
- Dog (Scottie)
- Thimble
- Top Hat
- Shoe/Boot
- Battleship
- Race Car
- Wheelbarrow
- Cat (Hazel)
There is an exclusive token, like the John Lewis Van.
Please Note: The tokens in this game are made of metal and may bend. If they do, carefully bend them back to shape.
New Properties[]
All the UK properties (expect for Gas Company) will be inside the parentheses ()
There are 9 new properties. These new properties are:
- Arctic Avenue (Elephant and Castle)
- Massachusetts Avenue (Edgware Road)
- Maryland Avenue (Downing Street)
- New Jersey Avenue (High Holborn)
- Michigan Avenue (Aldwych)
- California Avenue (Shaftesbury Avenue)
- South Carolina Avenue (Savile Row)
- Florida Avenue (Knightsbridge)
- Gas Company (In both version)
In the UK version, the most expensive property is Knightsbridge (£400), not Mayfair (£350).
Differences in gameplay[]
Setup is the same as that of regular Monopoly, except that there is a new card deck to go along with the Chance and Community Chest cards called Bus Tickets, and players now receive $/£2,500 at the start of the game (including one $/£1,000 bill) as opposed to the base $/£1,500 in regular Monopoly.
On their turn, players roll all three dice (two regular dice plus the new Speed Die). Players move the total number of spaces as indicated by the three dice, or two dice if Mr. Monopoly or the Bus is rolled on the Speed Die. If doubles are rolled on the regular dice, then the player may roll again as usual; if triples are rolled on the three dice, then the player may move to any space on the board that they choose, but they do not roll again.
If Mr. Monopoly is rolled on the Speed Die, the player first moves the number of spaces indicated on the two regular dice and deals with the space they land on. If the player has not landed in Jail, they then move forward to the next unowned property, which they may then purchase or put up for auction. If there are no unowned properties, the player needs to move forward to the next property on which they would owe rent to another player. (If all other properties are mortgaged, the player does not move after making the initial move.)
A new alternative way to rolling is using a Bus Ticket. If a player uses a Bus Ticket which they own, they may advance to any space on the side of the board they are currently on. Bus Tickets are obtained primarily by rolling the Bus on the Speed Die but may also be earned by landing on the BUS TICKET or BIRTHDAY GIFT spaces. Some of the Bus Tickets cause all other Bus Tickets drawn but not played to "expire", and thus be discarded. (This includes other Bus Tickets owned by the player who drew the "expiration" Ticket.)
Each property have an additional property (Expect for railroads/stations). If a player owns all but one in a color-group (2 of 3 in Purples/Browns or Dark Blues; 3 of 4 in other color groups), they may begin to build building there, with rent doubled on any undeveloped properties. If they own all properties in a color-group, they may upgrade to Skyscraper (If all the property in a color-group has a Hotel), which increase rent considerably (by $/£500 on First and Second Street properties, and by $/£1000 on Third and Fourth Streets) and charge TRIPLE rent on any unimproved properties. In the case of Utilities, owning all 3 allows the owner to charge 20 times the dice roll (white dice only) of the opponent landing there. (NOTE: if you draw the Chance card that sends you to the nearest utility, you only pay 10 times the new roll if the owner owns 1 or 2 utilities; you pay 20 times the new roll if the opponent owns all 3 utilities).
If you acquire the final property (in a color-group), after building on the other properties. You must un-mortgage that property immediately and build it according to the "even" building rules or if you can't afford to do that you must redistribute existing houses among all properties of the group. (You may break down hotels to do this). You are not allowed to mortgage all the properties in a color-group unless all the building was sold back to the Bank. You may sell the Skyscraper back to the bank for half of the value and revert to the Hotel.
Players can also build a Train Depot on any railroads which they own (the player does not need to own all 4 railroads) at a cost of $/£100. This doubles the rent on that railroad or quadruples it if an opponent is sent there by one of the "Go To Nearest Railroad" CHANCE cards (Twice the DOUBLED Depot rent/Quadruple the Rent).
Speed Die (New Die)[]
The Speed Die has been added to this game. New rules have been made regarding the Die.
- If you roll:
- A 1, 2, or 3 (dots/pips): add that to the normal dice.
- A Mr. Monopoly: Move according to the normal dice and take that turn as normal. Before rolling again or passing the dice to the next player, move to the NEXT unowned property, which you may buy or auction. If there are no unowned properties, move to the nearest unmortgaged property owned by an opponent. If all opponents' properties are mortgaged, do nothing. Your opponent can't build or trade until the Mr. Monopoly was completed.
- A Bus: Take 1 Bus Ticket from the deck. If there are no more tickets left, or if you decide to, move to the nearest Chance or Community Chest space that was in front of your token. (Whichever of the two is closer.)
- The Speed Die is not used in determining Doubles but is used in determining Triples. If Triple 1's, 2's, or 3's are rolled, the player may move forward to ANY space on the board. Then, they end their turn
- If a player rolls doubles twice before they roll triple, they do not Go To Jail
- The Speed Die is not used when determining turn order or rolling doubles to get out of Jail.
New Spaces[]
In addition to the above properties, 3 new spaces have been added, bringing the total new spaces to 52, with 13 spaces on each side. The new spaces are:
- Auction (Between Maryland Ave. and In Jail/Just Visiting): If you land here, pick ONE UNOWNED property for the Banker to auction to the highest bidder. If all properties are owned, move to the property on which you would pay the HIGHEST rent to an opponent. If there was a tie, then move to the nearest one.
- Bus Ticket (Between the Michigan Ave. and B.&. O. Railroad): Take ONE Bus Ticket. If no Tickets are left (in the pile), do nothing.
- Birthday Gift (Between the Flordia Ave. and Chance): If you land here, you allowed to choose one of two options: a free Bus Ticket or collect $100. (If there are no Bus Tickets to draw, you automatically get the $100.)
New Buildings[]
- Main Article: Houses
What is notable about Houses and Hotels is that they have been slightly redesigned. Roofs now featured detailed shingles and flat edges.
There are two new buildings: the Skyscraper and the Train Depot. Train Depots can be built upon an unmortgaged railroad to double its stated rent. Skyscrapers can be built on a hotel when all lots of a color group are owned.
New Money Bills[]
New $/£1000 bills are added to the bank. And the amount of cash each player starts with has grown from $/£1500 to $/£2500 (with each player getting a crisp new $/£1000 bill to start).
In later editions of the game (September 2008 or later, with the 3D version of Mr. Monopoly above the word "MONOPOLY" on the box as opposed to the classic flatter version coming out of the middle "O"), the colors of money have changed. (Also, the first color set of properties are now brown instead of the traditional purple, and all of the cards are the same size - as with most of the newer editions of Monopoly.) In the latest version, Mr. Monopoly didn't stand above the word "MONOPOLY" (for the board and the box).
In the original Mega Edition (2006), the money was as follows (for a total of $25,140):
- 40 x $1s - White
- 40 x $5s - Pink
- 40 x $10s - Yellow
- 50 x $20s - Pastel Green
- 30 x $50s - Light Blue
- 20 x $100s - Tan
- 20 x $500s - Goldenrod Orange
- 10 x $1000s - Grey
In later editions the money changed in both colors and amount provided (30 of each denomination other than $1000s [10 of those] for a total of $30,580)
- 30 x $1s - White
- 30 x $5s - Pink
- 30 x $10s - Light Blue
- 30 x $20s - Pale Green
- 30 x $50s - Light Purple
- 30 x $100s - Tan
- 30 x $500s - Goldenrod Orange
- 10 x $1000s - Yellow
The UK/International version has either the old classic one or the latest version with the $1000 light purple bills.
Of course, just like with any Monopoly game, the Bank never actually runs out of money, even if all the bills are gone.
Bus Ticket (New Card Deck)[]
There are 16 Bus Tickets. To obtain one, roll a Bus on the Speed Die, land on the new Bus or Birthday Gift spaces, or collect one in a trade. These purple tickets can be used in place of dice rolls but you may not use it after you roll the dice. When used, they are given to the Bank, NOT put on the bottom of the deck like the other cards. They may be used in place of a Doubles roll. These tickets may be used to travel forward to any space on your current side of the board. Corner spaces count as the first and last space of each side, however, this does not mean you can bypass Go To Jail if you are on the 3rd side of the board. If you are on New Jersey Avenue, for example, you can only use the ticket to move to Free Parking. Tickets are useful for avoiding high-rent color groups, and, of course, getting an early bonus from Go. Bus Tickets may be offered in a trade, like getting "Out of Jail Free" cards.
Be Careful! If the "ALL BUS TICKETS, EXCEPT THIS ONE, EXPIRE" card is drawn, they're announced immediately, and all players, even the person drawing them, discard any Bus Tickets they currently hold at The Bank because they have expired. (There are 3 of them)
The Difference[]
Here is some different between the US/Canada version and the UK/International version:
- The US/Canada version have more tokens than the UK/International version.
- The US/Canada version has 10 tokens. (11 in previous prints of the game)
- The UK/International version has 8 tokens. (9 if the John Lewis Van is included)
- The UK/International version uses a Routemaster as a Bus Ticket Icon.
- The printed price for some properties is different, for example:
- Arctic Avenue (US): $80
- Elephant and Castle (UK): £60
- In the UK/International version, Houses and Hotels are simplified because the roofs are flat and no detail. Also, The Houses are smaller to make it fit properly (For the color zone of a street space)
- In the UK version, Super Tax (Luxury Tax) is called "Bank Deposit".
- The Bus Ticket's card deck zone is different:
- Bus Ticket space is parallel to the Chance space for the US version.
- In the UK version, the Bus Ticket Space was opposite to the Go To Jail space.
- The color of all the card deck is also different:
- The 3 main color for each card deck of the US version is Orange (Chance), Light Blue (Community Chest), and Purple (Bus Ticket).
- UK/International version also have their own main color for each of the card deck: Red (Chance), Blue (Community Chest), and Yellow (Bus Ticket)
- The Bus Ticket's Instruction also different (again):
- US: Move forward to any space on this side on the Board (Corner spaces count as the first and last space on the side.)
- UK: Advance to any space on this side of the board (Including Corners)
- US: Move forward to any space on this side on the Board (Corner spaces count as the first and last space on the side.)
- The color of the Speed Die is different. The international/UK version is red while the US & Canada version or the old international version (2006-2009?) is blue.
International Name[]
- English: Monopoly: The Mega Edition
- USA: May 22, 2006
- UK: October 1, 2007
- Spanish: Monopoly: Edició(n) Mega
- French: Monopoly: Méga Edition/Mega Édition
- German: Die Mega Edition
- Italian: Monopoly: Edizione Mega
- Dutch: Monopoly: D(i)e Mega Editie
- Switzerland: Monopoly: Mega Edition
- Greece: Monopoly: Ελλαδα Μega Εκδοση (Ellada Mega Ekdosi)
- Polish: Monopoly: Edycja Mega
- Romanian: Monopoly: Ediția Mega România
- Czechs: Monopoly: Edice Česko
Other Version[]
Monopoly: The Mega Black Edition
Monopoly Mega Black Edition is a black-themed version of the original version. Almost all the contents are the same.
Released: 24 Sept. 2021
Available in German and France
Monopoly: The Mega Deluxe Edition
It a combined version of Monopoly Mega and Deluxe Edition. The money is now 100 times more than the original one. All the properties names are replaced by the real place like Fifth Avenue (New York), Pitt Street Mall (Sydney), the building color is different then the original one.
Released Date: 2 Jan. 2014 (Amazon)
Available in German
Monopoly: The Mega Golden Edition
Not to be confusing with "Monopoly: The Mega Deluxe Edition"
Released: 2023
Monopoly: The Mega Gold(en) Edition is the golden version of Monopoly Mega. That's it.
Available in Poland and Romania
External links[]
Monopoly: The Mega Edition Rules
Monopoly: The Mega Edition Manual (For some people that couldn't open the first link.)