Monopoly Wiki
Najemnina 4€.
     Z 1 Hišo 20€.
     Z 2 Hišama  60€.
     S 3 Hišami  180€.
     S 4 Hišami  320€.

Vrednost Hipoteke 30€.
Hiše stanejo vsaka 50€
Hotel, 50€. plus 4 hiše

Če je igralec lastnik VSEH polj neke Barvne skupine, se najemnina podvoji na Nepozidanih Zemljiščih te skupine.

 Fiesa (Pronouncation similar to 'Fiesa' [1]is the first property in the Slovene Edition Monopoly game. It replaces Baltic Avenue for the game.


Fiesa is Brown colored property. It first appeared in Monopoly: Slovene Edition (old one), published in 1993, where it cost 6.000 SIT.


  • Rent: 4€
  • Monopoly Rent: 8€
  • Rent with:
    • 1 House: 20€
    • 2 Houses: 60€
    • 3 Houses: 180€
    • 4 Houses: 320€
    • 1 Hotel: 450€


  • Printed Price: 60€
  • Mortgage Value: 30€
  • Building Costs: 50€ each

On the board[]

It is the second property on the board. It is located between Državna blagajna/Community Chest (before) and Davek na dohodek/Income Tax (after). The last property before Fiesa is Šobec and first property followed by Fiesa is a light blue property of Ljutomerske gorice.

Real Location[]

This article is about Fiesa [2] , famous Slovene tourist place, with some hotels and a camp which is just barely related to Monopoly board game.

As all properties in Slovene Edition this property is named by famous attraction or location in Slovenia. It is named by the famous Slovene tourist place, with some hotels and a camp, located near seaside. It is street in Portorož (Italian. Portorose), located at a gulf and two small lakes. It is one of the most popular tourist places in Slovenia. More info [3]

