Monopoly Wiki
Monopoly Revolution communications company

Communications Company

Communications Company is a utility in Monopoly. It is so rare that its only appearance is in Monopoly Revolution.

About the utilities in Monopoly Revolution[]

Communications Company is one of the 4 utilities in Monopoly Revolution. The other utilities are:

The price to buy one utility is $1.5M.

A utility can be mortgaged for $750K.


The utilities are treated like railroads because the rents are based on fixed amounts, instead of the dice roll.

Here is the rent schedule for each utility:

  • If the owner owns 1 utility, the rent is $200K.
  • If 2 utilities are owned, the rent is $400K.
  • If 3 utilities are owned, the rent is $800K.
  • If all 4 utilities are owned, the rent is $1.5M.
